Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Serving Others #4- Plan, Prepare, and Serve a nutritious meal

Service #4- Plan, prepare, and serve a nutritious meal

We did our planning last week.  The girls decided they wanted to do a big, healthy salad!  Yum!  They all wanted to bring and contribute their favorite ingredient.  I brought ingredients as well.

While we waited for everyone to arrive, I did my usual...a word search.  Find the link here.  This one had healthy foods as the topic.

Once everyone arrived we began preparing the salad.  We washed hands and we washed all of the veggies.

I supervised the use of the knives, don't worry!

They all wanted to eat some salad so I let everyone take a bowl and fill it with whatever they wanted for their own salad.  After they had filled their bowls, we combined all of the salad ingredients into a large bowl and headed to the Branch President's office to give him some salad to take home and enjoy with his wife!  The girls also wanted to share with the young women!  So we dished up some bowls for them and took them to the young women's room!  It was a lot of fun!

They were so happy to serve their salads!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Word of Wisdom-Learning and Living the Gospel #7

I forgot to take pics during the meeting but I snapped this after some of the girls had already left!

Learning and Living the Gospel #7-  Read D&C 89.  Discuss how Heavenly Father blesses us when we faithfully live the Word of Wisdom.  Help plan and conduct an activity to teach the Word of Wisdom to others.

This lesson covers the first part of the activity.
As the girls were arriving, I was playing some fun music and we had a little dance party.  We danced until everyone arrived.  I had one of the girls lead the dancing and it was pretty fun!  Lots and lots of giggles.  At first some were too timid to dance but by the end everyone was dancing!

We then gathered and read D&C 89:1-9.   While the girls took turns reading, they were supposed to draw pictures of what they were hearing.  We talked about the verses, I gave definitions and we discussed how the world glamorizes drinking and smoking and how we should avoid it.   We talked about how and why these things are harmful to our bodies.   They were very interested in hearing about how the body gets addicted to drugs and how difficult it is to overcome addiction.  I emphasized  the importance of never starting because it is so hard to stop.  Make sure that you are sensitive to any in the group who may have parents or other loved ones who may smoke or drink alcohol.

I had them turn their paper over and answer the following questions:
What have you had to eat in the last 24 hours?
How much sleep did you get last night?
How much TV did you watch yesterday?
Did you exercise?
They had fun answering and sharing their answers.

Next we read D&C 89:10-17.  We talked about healthy eating and the importance of putting good food into our bodies.

I asked them why we were dancing at the beginning of class.  Then we talked about how exercise can be really dancing.

We read the promise in verses 18-21.  Don't leave this out!  It's so important that they know of these great promises that come when we are good to our bodies.

We made smoothies!!   They LOVED this!

**While they were drinking their smoothies we planned a nutritious meal in anticipation of completing Serving others #4 that we will complete next week.

They really wanted to dance some more so after we closed, I put on another song and let them do one more dance.  They had so much fun and so did I!

Here is the smoothie recipe that I used.  I think I tripled it:

1 cup frozen strawberries
1 banana
1/4 cup plain yogurt
1/2 cup orange juice

Blend and serve.